2017 Favorite Skincare Products--Summer
In summer, like everyone else, I use something much lighter, even though my skin is quite dry. Those are the ones that I found suitable for me, mostly affordable and natural, which is a bonus. Toner These three toners are absolutely my favourite during the summer. All of them does the job that I need them to do-softens, moisturises, and tones (Toner! Duh!) the skin. Dermalogica Multi Active Toner https://www.beautyflash.co.uk/p23/dermalogica-multi-active-toner.html?deriv=250ml This is the favourite of the favorites! Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Toner https://www.pipingrock.com/witch-hazel/thayers-rose-petal-witch-hazel-with-aloe-vera-toner-39779?prd=27862a7e&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6aHi5MHT2AIVCOAbCh1YGgyQEAEYASAAEgJVSfD_BwE Lush Eau Roma Water Rose and Lavender https://uk.lush.com/products/eau-roma-water Cleanser Lush 9 to 5 cleanser This cleanser I have religiously used maybe 5 bottles before I decided to change. It's super gentle on the